READ My Cash Freebies eBook for FREE!

The Beginner’s Guide to My Cash Freebies
How to Make Money from Home with My Cash Freebies

Alex Garcia

Alex Garcia

The Beginner’s Guide to My Cash Freebies
Copyright © 2013-2016 by Alex Garcia &  

All contents of this book are copyright 2013-2016 C by Alex Garcia, author of this book. All rights reserved worldwide. This copy may not be transmitted to third parties without prior consent of the author. This publication is protected by the Copyright Law of the United States of 1976 and other applicable international, federal, state, and local laws. This copyright protection also includes resell rights, reproduction, and distribution of any form or the copying of any part of this book. It is unlawful to distribute, transfer, or sell any part of this book.
The author of this book does not owe any responsibility for the accuracy or authenticity of the information in this book. The information in this book is intended to provide useful information, but does not guarantee any success. Each situation is unique and your particular situation may not be similar to the examples presented in this book. All brands and names appearing in this book are supposed to be the property of their respective owners and are used for reference only. The author of this book is not associated with any product, a person's name, or any other name that is mentioned in this book. Nothing in this book is intended to replace the advice of an attorney or other competent professional and its sole purpose is to inform the reader. The author of this book is not responsible for any loss of investment or any other commercial damages, or any other investment you make with negative results and any other special, incidental, or consequential damage that may occur as a result of following the advice in this book. As with all things in life, always seek the advice of a competent professional before making any decisions that may affect your future. The author of this book is not responsible for any emotional damage, financial damage or any other type of damage that you suffer from as a result of following the advice or instructions given in this book.
Disclaimer of Warranty websites:
The author of this book is not associated with any website referred to in this book. Some web sites mentioned in this book may be valid, can be disabled, can expire, or may be misdirected at any time. The author of this book is not responsible for the content of web sites listed in this book, nor the organizations publishing those sites, and disclaims any responsibility for such content. The author of this book is not responsible for any business or other transactions or agreements you make with any provider, dealer or any other entity that is in any web site listed in this book. The author of this book is not responsible for the quality or safety of external websites mentioned in this book. The author of this book disclaims any responsibility for the content found on any website, website link, web page or any other third party mentioned in this book.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: What is My Cash Freebies?
Chapter 2: How to Start – Join my Team!
Chapter 3: Completing the Offers on Express My Cash Freebies
Chapter 4: Pitfalls to Avoid
Chapter 5: Completing the requirements for Double My Cash Freebies
Chapter 6: Marketing your My Cash Freebies Referral Links
Chapter 7: That’s it! You’re ready to make money!
Chapter 8: Why Should I Join My Cash Freebies?


Welcome. This eBook is for those of you who are interested in making money with My Cash Freebies (MCF). The reason I wrote this eBook, is because when I started out I was really confused with all the information out on the Internet about My Cash Freebies.

As you know, the Internet is full of thousands if not millions of websites on how to make money from home. With so much information on the Internet it’s easy to get confused by all the get rich quick marketing scams. However, the Freebie Industry is a legit way to make some extra money from home. My Cash Freebies is one of the major players in the Freebie Industry, and this eBook will show you how to get started right away.

In the few months that I spent learning how to use My Cash Freebies to make money, I made many mistakes. However, by reading this eBook you will not have to waste any time doing the same mistakes I made, and instead you can get right to making money as soon as possible. In fact, it’s so easy and simple to do that you can really get started in a few days.

I decided to include the most important information in this eBook so you can gain all the knowledge you will need to be successful with My Cash Freebies. The Internet has opened many opportunities for people all over the world to make money from home.
Freebie Trading is one popular way to make money some extra money from home, and My Cash Freebies is one of the top Freebie Trading systems around today. 

Most people do not get rich from Freebie Trading. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t make some extra money every month with My Cash Freebies. Having an extra income stream doesn’t hurt right? In this guide you will learn everything there is to know about My Cash Freebies so you can join and start making money.

Chapter 1: What is My Cash Freebies?

My Cash Freebies (MCF) is part of the Freebies Network which represents Fortune 500 companies that offer products and services to the public. Many of these product/services are trials that are offered to the public at discounted prices. My Cash Freebies is a major player in the incentive Freebies Industry.

What is the Freebies Industry?

The Freebies Industry is a referral based industry where anyone can win cash or prizes by referring others to fill out special offers made by Fortune 500 companies. Other major players in the Freebies Industry are ZNZ One and Instant Rewards. However, My Cash Freebies is considered one of the easiest to join and to start making money right away.
How do people make money from My Cash Freebies?

All you have to do is fulfill the required offers on the My Cash Freebies website. Once you fulfill your required offers, My Cash Freebies will give you a referral code. With that code you can begin referring other people (your friends, online marketing, YouTube videos, etc.) to your website, and when they complete the offers you get paid a commission.
How easy is it to fulfill the required offers?

The reason My Cash Freebies has become very popular, is because its offers are much easier to complete than other major players in the Freebies Industry. All you have to do is complete 1 credit to fulfill the offers. Once you do this, you can begin referring other people to do the same, and make money easy.

How much does My Cash Freebies pay?

The most popular programs offered by My Cash Freebies are: Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies. My Cash Freebies has many other programs; however, these two are the most popular since they are easier to do. Express My Cash Freebies pays $20 per referral, while Double My Cash Freebies pays $30. That means you can make $50 easily, for each person you refer who completes the credit requirements for both Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies.

Express My Cash Freebies Website:

Double My Cash Freebies Website: 

For example, if you can refer 5 people per month and they fulfill the credit requirements to both Express and Double: you will make $250 per month in your spare time and from home. Now instead of 5 per month, let’s say you refer 10 people per month, and they fulfill their requirements, now you’re making an extra $500 per month. And realistically speaking, it’s not exactly that hard to refer a 5 to 10 people per month, with some good marketing this is achievable.

Of course there are some Internet Marketing experts who make a lot more money with Freebie Trading. But the good news is even a beginner can make some extra money per month with My Cash Freebies. You may not get rich, but at least you’ll have an extra income stream from home.

What do I need to make money with My Cash Freebies?

All you need is a computer with a fast Internet connection. You will also need to dedicate a few hours per week for Internet Marketing. The more time you invest in the beginning, the more money you will make. However, for someone who wants to make money from home, this is an excellent system that doesn’t require any college degree or special computer skills. Anyone can do this.

Do I have to quit my regular job?

Please do not quit your job. Most people who do Freebie Trading (with the exception of the Internet Marketing pros) make around $100 to $500 a month in their spare time. But most of these people either have a regular full time job or they have other streams of income online. $500 a month may not sound like a lot. But if you have 10 online businesses and each one generates $500 a month for you thats $5,000 a month.

In my opinion, Freebie trading is a very good online income stream. That’s the way I look at it. I don’t rely solely on my income from My Cash Freebies. I have many different online businesses and My Cash Freebies is just one stream amongst many. What I like about My Cash Freebies is it’s very easy to generate some extra cash and I do it in my spare time. You can do it from home as long as you have a computer at home with fast Internet connection.

You can continue to work in your regular job, and make some extra money with My Cash Freebies in your spare time. However, if in the future you are able to grow your online businesses (many different income streams) then obviously you can consider quitting your job and being your own boss. However, I always suggest having multiple streams of steady income online before even considering quitting your job and working from home full time. 

Who pays me and how do they pay?

It's important to remember that My Cash Freebies does not pay you directly. The Fortune 500 companies are the ones who pay you for referring people who complete their offers on your referral link. Once someone completes their offers on your referral link, then My Cash Freebies will forward you a check or deposit your cash prize to your PayPal account.
Is this a really legit business?

Yes, the Freebie Trading Industry is a legit industry and there are literally hundreds of thousands of dollars being paid every year to people who market this business to the public. Keep in mind that if you earn money from My Cash Freebies (or any other Freebie group) you are liable to report income to the IRS when you file your taxes.

Why do the Fortune 500 companies give cash to people who refer others to complete their offers?

Remember, we live in the digital era. Today millions of people prefer to go online to watch the news, visit blogs, and watch YouTube videos, instead of the 1990’s when most people watched TV. For this reason, the big Fortune 500 companies are putting more emphasis on online marketing. But they need people like you and me to help market their products and services. For this service, they are willing to give out commissions, which is good news for us.

How much money can I really make from My Cash Freebies?

Most My Cash Freebies referral agents who are dedicated to promoting their referral links, make anywhere from around $100 to $500 a month. However, some My Cash Freebies referral agents are expert marketers and therefore they make more than that. It is certainly not impossible; however, it takes a lot of work and dedication to achieve success in not only the Freebie Industry, but any legitimate online income opportunity.

But as I stated before, $100 to $500 a month is not bad considering you can do it in your own spare time and this can become a good online income stream for you. There are other online income opportunities you can explore that can generate other income streams for you. Together with My Cash Freebies all of your online income can add up and generate a decent income for you.

Can I get rich from My Cash Freebies?

My Cash Freebie is not a get rich quick scheme. Neither are any of the other Freebie Trading platforms. However, the good news is My Cash Freebies is legit and it does pay, and it's one of the easiest ways to make some extra money online. You may not get rich, but you can certainly make some extra money working from home. If you can make an extra $100 to $500 a month in your spare time doing easy work, I think it’s worth it.
Is My Cash Freebies a Scam?

No, My Cash Freebies is not a scam. However, if anyone tells you that you can make $10,000 a month easily with My Cash Freebies they are not being honest with you. There may be a handful of people who are making that kind of money in Freebie Trading but most of them are Internet Marketing Gurus. The truth is My Cash Freebies does pay commissions to referral agents, however the income you will make is more likely to be around $100 to $500 a month. I’m not saying you can’t make more than that.

Of course each individual is different. However, from my experience the typical average income earned each month from My Cash Freebies (Part Time) is around $100 to $500 a month, depending on how much traffic you get to your referral links. However, it does pay and the good news is you can start part time and generate a good online income stream each month. If you have a job, you can still work your job and do My Cash Freebies in your spare time. If you are an expert Internet Marketer than perhaps you can make even more money with Freebie Trading. If you’re a newbie, hey you can still make some extra money from home.

Work from Home Scams

We all know that there are thousands of “work from home” scams online. Many websites promise people riches without working hard. Most of these are scams and they make their money by brainwashing people with false advertisements. However, if you are searching for a legit work from home opportunity, you can always join the growing Freebie Trading Industry, and work from home, and work your own hours. You may not get rich, but you can make some nice extra easy money from home right from your own computer.

Chapter 2: How to Start – Join My Team!

First Step – Sign Up for a Free Account with Express My Cash Freebies
To join My Cash Freebies and begin making money, you will FIRST have to go to the My Cash Freebies website and register for an account. Signing up is completely free. If you want to join my team you can sign up here: and sign up. By joining my team you will get 5 special bonuses for free!

5 Special Bonuses for joining my Team:

1.     I will give you $10 cash back after you fulfill both Express and Double My Cash Freebies credit requirements.

2.     I will give you a free copy of my eBook “Internet Marketing Strategies for My Cash Freebies,” after you fulfill both Express and Double My Cash Freebies credit requirements.

3.     Personal E-mail and Phone Support during the process of joining My Cash Freebies

4.     I will also give you a free copy of my eBook “The Beginner’s Guide to Making Money on Fiverr” after you fulfill both Express and Double My Cash Freebies credit requirements. Fiverr is one of the most popular ways to earn money online. It is a legit platform which allows you to sell a product or service in exchange for money. Fiverr can become a good income stream for you.

5.     I will also give you a free copy of my eBook “The Beginner’s Guide to SEO and Internet Marketing” after you fulfill both Express and Double My Cash Freebies credit requirements. This eBook covers the fundamentals for Internet Marketing and SEO for success online, not only with My Cash Freebies, but with any online business you may have.

If you join my team: I will personally give you $10 cash back from the $50 commission that I earn but you must complete both: Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies. Once I receive the $50 commission I will personally send you $10 to your PayPal account or send you a money order for $10!

But that’s not all: by joining my team and completing the credit requirements on both Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies, I will personally email you my other free eBook “Internet Marketing Strategies for My Cash Freebies” an advanced book that will help you gain more knowledge on Internet Marketing so you can increase your success with My Cash Freebies.

But that’s not all, I will also email you the following eBooks: The Beginner’s Guide to Making Money on Fiverr and The Beginner’s Guide to SEO and Internet Marketing. Both eBooks are free and contain a wealth of information on how to make money online with legit opportunities.

I will give these special bonuses to anyone who signs up under my Referral ID and joins my team. However, you must complete both credit requirements for Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies. However, my personal email/phone support is free during the entire process. You don’t have to wait to fulfill your credit requirements for email/phone support; you can contact me if you have any questions at any time.

Note: The eBook you are currently reading is different from the “Internet Marketing Strategies for My Cash Freebies” eBook I offer as a special bonus. The eBook you are currently reading helps you understand how My Cash Freebies works; my other eBook will help you with Internet Marketing, website creation, and other strategies to help you make more money with the My Cash Freebies System. However, you will have to complete the credit requirements first then I will email you a copy of my other eBooks.

And finally, you can always count on my unconditional email and phone support when you join my team. Think about it. Join my team and get $10 cash back and other free eBooks that will help you build your My Cash Freebies business, all for free, as long as you complete the credit requirements for Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies (under my Referral ID), both of which are simple to do.

And not only that, but if you run into trouble you can simply email or call me and I will give you all the support you need to fulfill your required offers (Which are very simple to do). Once you fulfill your requirements, you can then start making money by referring people to your own Referral ID’s.

To start the process to join My Cash Freebies System and get personal email/phone support, 3 free eBooks, and $10 cash back you can simply go to my Express My Cash Freebies Referral link:

After you go to my Express My Cash Freebies Referral link, click on “sign up for a free account” with My Cash Freebies. The registration is free so don’t worry you don’t have to pay anything. However, make sure that my Express Referral link 75159 is on the page. Otherwise, I will not be able to give you any of the bonuses that I promise. Make sure that my Referral link is on the page so this way you will qualify for the free bonuses. Once you click on the “sign up” button, you will be taken to another page. You should do the next steps in proper order in order to qualify for the free bonuses:
Step 1: Choose your free gift = Make sure the $20 Payment gift is selected
Step 2: Register or Extend account = Enter your email address. Note: It should say you are being referred by user 75159, directly above your email address. If it does not say this, you will not receive any special bonuses and I recommend you re start this process from the Express My Cash Freebies website. After entering your email click on “Next Step” directly below your email.
After clicking on “Next Step” you will be taken to the registration page. Make sure you fill out the form completely with your legal information. This is necessary in order to receive payments from My Cash Freebies. Make sure you write down your email and password as you will need this information to login into your account in the future. Now make sure my Referral ID (75159) is on your application, otherwise you will not receive any of the special free bonuses I offer you for joining under my Referral ID. It should say “you were referred by user 75159 on the form. If my Referral ID is not on the form, you will need to re start the process with a different email address if you want to receive the special free bonuses.
After you are done filling out the registration form, double check and make sure all the information is correct. Once you are done, you need to check the box at the bottom of the form that says “I agree to the MyCashFreebies Terms of service.” Once you check this box, a “Submit Registration” button will appear. Click on this button and your registration is complete. You are now ready to go!
After you complete the application process, Express My Cash Freebies will give you your very own personal Express Referral ID. Make sure you write this ID down, and also keep records of the email you used to register, and your login password. Make sure you keep these records in a safe place since you will need this in the future to login and manage your My Cash Freebies account.
Note: Make sure you enter your legal information on the application. Also, if you want to get paid via PayPal, enter your PayPal email on the form. It is convenient to use your PayPal email with My Cash Freebies, as you will always have the option of getting paid daily via PayPal. If you don’t have a PayPal email, you can sign-up with PayPal for free by going to However, My Cash Freebies also gives you the option of getting paid by check via mail or direct deposit. For this reason you should use your legal name when you fill out the registration form.  
Note: Please be sure to write down the email and password you used to register with Express My Cash Freebies. You will need this information in order to login to manage your account. You can always change your payment preferences (PayPal, Check, Money Order, etc.) and your physical address in the future by logging into your account and clicking on your account preferences. You can also find your Referral ID when you log in to your account. In case you need to find your Referral ID in the future, simply log in to your account.

Now that you have signed up with Express My Cash Freebies, now it’s time to fulfill your 1 credit requirements so you can become a My Cash Freebies Referral Agent for life. If you are not on the Express My Cash Freebies website, go to: and click on the link that says “Login.” You will then be taken to the My Cash Freebies Login page, now you can enter the email and password you used when you registered and click “log in.” 
You will now be taken to your personal Express My Cash Freebies account page. You should take a few minutes and familiarize yourself with your page. This website page is your personal account with the My Cash Freebies system. You will see the following navigational links on your account web page:
Status link = this page shows your account standing on the website
Profile link = this page shows your Referral ID and other personal information
Prizes link = this page shows the commission you earn for referring others who complete offers
Offers link = this page shows the offers available to fulfill the 1 credit requirement
Order link = this page is for getting paid for your commissions – PayPal/Check
Support link = this page shows the company’s policies and contact information
Log Out link = this link will Log you out of your account
Now at this point you should have already signed up and have an account with My Cash Freebies. Now you will proceed to your next step and the most important: to become an Independent Referral Agent for life with My Cash Freebies. The only way to make money with the My Cash Freebies system is by becoming an Independent Referral Agent.
This is the only way you can refer others and get paid. You can always familiarize yourself with the website later after you become an Independent Referral Agent. In order to become an Independent Referral Agent with My Cash Freebies, you must fulfill the 1 credit requirement. Now if you are not logged into your account, login to your account and click on the “offers” link on your My Cash Freebies account website. Now you have to complete the 1 credit requirement in order to start making money with My Cash Freebies.
Note: Make sure you use Firefox Internet (it works best with My Cash Freebies) when you sign up for the offers. Also, make sure you configure your web browser to “enable cookies” and to accept “pop blockers” so you will be credited for the offers you complete. Before you complete the offers, please read the following chapter.

Chapter 3: Completing the Offers on Express My Cash Freebies
Once you have signed up and have your personal account with Express My Cash Freebies, you are ready to complete the 1 credit offer requirement. You do not have to complete the offer on the same day that you signed up as you can login anytime you want to. Once you have a registered an account with My Cash Freebies, you can go to, click on the “Login” link and you will be taken to the My Cash Freebies Login page.
Now enter the email you used when you signed up and the password you created, and click on “log in.” Once you are logged in, now click on the “Offers” or “View Offers” link and you will be taken to the My Cash Freebies Offers page. Now you can browse through the offers available (every day the offers change) and see if there is anything that interests you. For example, you might see offers from companies such as: Blockbuster video,,, and many others. One popular offer is by
Note: Try viewing offers early in the morning if possible, since many of the offers change during the morning.
The only requirement you need to start making money from the My Cash Freebies System is 1 credit from Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies. But right now you should focus on only completing the Express My Cash Freebies requirements first. You should first complete the credit requirements with Express My Cash Freebies before you register with Double My Cash Freebies
Note: You should first complete your requirements with Express My Cash Freebies, before joining Double My Cash Freebies. In the next chapters I will show you how to register and complete Double My Cash Freebies credit requirements.
All you have to do is complete 1 credit from any of the offers available. Once you do this, you will be one step away from making money with the My Cash Freebies System. Important: before you complete an offer, make sure you look at the details of each offer. Go to, login to your account and click on the page link: “Offers” or “View Offers” and browse through the trial offers. As you can see, each offer has 3 details on it:
Under the name of each offer, there are 3 details:
1.     Credit Value: How much credit you will get to complete it
2.     Cost: How much it will cost you to complete it
3.     Credits: How fast you will get credited for completing it
Important: Also point your mouse over the offer for more details. You will see a description of the offer, and requirements. This is very important as each offer is different and some are easier to complete than others.
Here is an example of an offer on Express My Cash Freebies Offers page 
 (Note: this is a fake company, I just made it up as an example)
Fantasy Online Casino Company
Credit Value: .50
Cost: Free
Credits: Instantly 
Description: A new great way of playing casinos online! Free trial offer!
Requirements: Must complete free 2 week trial for at least the majority of the 2 weeks. Missing Credit Request Allowed.
As you can see, the above offer gives you a credit value of .50, which means, you will still need to find another offer of .50 to complete the 1 credit. It also credits instantly, which means you will usually receive the credit in a few hours. And lastly, the cost for the free trial is free. This is how My Cash Freebies works. Any of the following combinations with crediting will get you the 1 credit you need:
Example 1:
.50 + .50 = 1 Credit = Offer completed. You are now an Independent Referral Agent.
Example 2:
.40 + .60 = 1 Credit = Offer completed. You are now an Independent Referral Agent.
Example 3:
.30 + .20 + .50 = 1 Credit = Offer completed. You are now an Independent Referral Agent.
Example 4:
1 Credit = 1 Credit = Offer completed. You are now an Independent Referral Agent.
As you can see, it doesn’t matter how many offers you complete. All you need to do is complete 1 Full Credit. That’s it. My personal advice: try to complete as few offers as possible. When I first completed my offers, I did one for .40 and another for .60 and that was it. All I did was 2 offers and I fulfilled my credit requirements. I received my credit the first day and completed the requirements. Simple and easy.
Completing the Offer
Once you find an offer you like, simply click on it and you will be taken to a third party website. Make sure you use Firefox Internet (if possible) and make sure you enable cookies and pop blockers (you can change this later after you complete the offer). The reason this is important, is some people have had problems getting credited for completing the offers. This happens because their web browser was configured to not enable cookies, and therefore the company fails to credit the person appropriately.
However, don’t worry if this happens to you. It actually happened to me on one of my offers. Simply fill out the “Missing Credit Request Form” and My Cash Freebies will credit you the offer in a few days. For more information on filling out a Missing Credit Request Form, you can view My Cash Freebies’ crediting guide by going to and clicking under the “Crediting Guide” link. I also recommend that you read the Crediting Guide when you have time so you can familiarize yourself with how the crediting system works on My Cash Freebies.
Note: Some offers do not permit Missing Credit Request Forms! This is why it’s important you read the requirements for each offer. However, many of the offers do permit a Missing Credit Request Form. My advice: try to fulfill offers that permit Missing Credit Request Forms. This way, if something goes wrong, you can still get credited for fulfilling an offer.
My advice is: try to complete offers that are free or that are inexpensive. There are many offers that are free or cost only a few bucks. Remember, you only need 1 credit, and most of the offers are in the .30, .40, or .50 ranges on the Express My Cash Freebies Offers page.

Chapter 4: Pitfalls to Avoid
Make sure your Web Browser is configured
Before you complete the offers, make sure your Web Browser is configured under the guidelines from My Cash Freebies Crediting Guide.

Make sure your Credit Card has enough credit to cover the trial period

Once you are ready, click on an offer of your interest and complete it using your credit card. Make sure your credit card has enough funds to cover the initial trial offers, since some of them do require a small payment. For example, when I completed my offer with, I had $19.99 frozen on my credit card. However, this was later unfrozen after I canceled the offer.

Most of the offers I did didn’t cost me anything, except one offer I decided to try for a longer period of time (personal choice). However, it’s important you fulfill most of the trial period otherwise you will not be credited.

Make sure you save receipt emails and print out your receipts pages

When you complete an offer, the company you completed the offer with will usually send you an email. Make sure you keep this email as proof that you completed the offer. Also, if you have a printer, print out a copy of the receipt page, or make a copy of it and paste it in a word document. Make sure you keep a copy of all payments you make with your credit card, as this will serve as proof if you need to fill out a Missing Credit Request Form, in case you don’t get credited.

Make sure you cancel before the trial period ends

I advise you to write down every offer you complete, with details such as:
1.     the date you completed it
2.     how much you paid (or if it was free) and
3.     how long the free trial period lasts

For example, if you sign up (using your Credit Card) for a free trial offer for 2 weeks, I will make sure that I write this down so before the 2 weeks is up, I’ll cancel before. However, for most offers you’ll have to try the offer for at least 80% of the trial period if you want to be certain that you will get the credit you need. Using the 2 week example, I would call on the 13th day to cancel. This will assure that I will receive my credit.

If you cancel on the 7th day, the company will most likely not give you the credit, which defeats the purpose. However, if you forget to cancel on the 14th day and the free trial period is over, you will be charged on your credit card for future fees related to the offer. Now some people do free trial offers, enjoy it, and stick with the product or service. If that’s your personal choice you can do that also. However, that all depends on you. Some of you may enjoy some of the offers and want to pay for the product or service they offer.

However, if you’re not interested in any of the free trial offers make sure you cancel before the free trial period ends. Otherwise you will get billed on your credit card.

How to cancel an offer?

To cancel an offer simply call up the company and let them know you want to cancel. Let them know you tried the offer but are no longer interested. Finding the phone number of the company with the offer is easy. Most companies have their phone numbers on their websites under “contact us” link. Make sure you write this number down and have it ready on the day you need to cancel. Remember, most companies require you try their offer for at least 80% of the trial period before canceling. 

How much will I spend in total?

Personally, I spent around $10 completing 4 offers (which gave me the 1 credit requirement I needed on both Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies) with both of the most popular My Cash Freebies programs: Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies. That was all I spent. This is why I offer you $10 cash back if you sign up under my Referral ID’s, so this way if you do spend around 10 bucks like I did, at least with the cash back I give you, it would help cover your investment. Also, remember, I’ll also send you a free Internet Marketing eBook to help you make more money with My Cash Freebies, along with phone/email support and 2 other free eBooks.

Note: Some people complete the credit requirements without spending anything. However, most people wind up spending a couple of bucks. But considering that with a small $10 investment you can start an online income stream and make some extra money every month I think it’s worth it.

Chapter 5: Completing the requirements for Double My Cash Freebies

Once you finish the 1 credit requirement for Express My Cash Freebies, you will see a message on your Express My Cash Freebies account, stating that you have fulfilled your credit requirements. You can click on the “Status” or “Profile” links, and you will see confirmation that you completed the 1 credit requirement, making you eligible to refer people to the system and earn commissions.

In other words, you are now an Express My Cash Freebies Independent Referral Agent for life---that’s right, you can earn commissions be referring people for as long as you wish. Make sure your write down your own personal Express Referral ID number. Once you have accomplished this, you are halfway home.

Now all you have to do is do the same thing you did on Express My Cash Freebies and repeat the process on Double My Cash Freebies. Double My Cash Freebies is very similar to Express My Cash Freebies except the offers are a bit harder to complete. However it’s not really that hard. The good news is you don’t have to register on Double, since MCF will simply transfer your account information from Express.

Now if you are still interested in getting that $10 cash back offer I offered you and the free Internet Marketing eBooks, make sure you follow the following instructions on Double My Cash Freebies:

Go to my Double My Cash Freebies Referral Link:
Note: Make sure my Double Referral ID (78409) is on your application; otherwise you will not receive any of the special bonuses I offer for joining under my Referral ID’s.
And like you did before, enter the same email you entered when you filled out your application on Express My Cash Freebies. This is the Double My Cash Freebies website. The signing up process is very similar to Express. However, there are a few differences. If you want to make sure you will receive the 5 special bonuses I offer in this eBook, please make sure to follow the following procedure carefully.
On the Double My Cash Freebies website, you will also see 2 steps. Now you must follow the following procedures in the proper order, in order to assure you will sign up properly and qualify for the special bonuses I offer in this eBook:
Step 1: Choose your free gift = Make sure the $30 Payment gift is selected
Step 2: Register or Extend account = Enter the same email address you used when you registered with Express My Cash Freebies. Note: It should say you are being referred by user 78409, directly above your email address. If it does not say this, you will not receive any special bonuses and I recommend you re start this process from the Double My Cash Freebies website. After entering your email click on “Next Step” directly below your email.
After clicking on “Next Step” you will be taken to the registration page. Now if you used the same email as you did on Express My Cash Freebies, you should see a question asking if you want to transfer your information from Express to Double. Click yes. If you don’t see this question, or if Double My Cash Freebies does not transfer your information from Express, you will need to fill in the information again. Make sure you write down your email and password as you will need this information to login into your account in the future. Now make sure my Double Referral ID (78409) is on your application, otherwise you will not receive any of the special free bonuses I offer you for joining under my Referral ID. It should say “you were referred by user 78409 on the form. If my Referral ID is not on the form, you will need to re start the process with a different email address if you want to receive the special free bonuses.
After you are done filling out the registration form, double check and make sure all the information is correct. Once you are done, you need to check the box at the bottom of the form that says “I agree to the MyCashFreebies Terms of service.” Once you check this box, a “Submit Registration” button will appear. Click on this button and your registration is complete. You are now ready to go!
Now that you have joined Double My Cash Freebies, you need to complete the 1 Credit requirements. Repeat the exact same process you did on Express My Cash Freebies. The website is nearly identical. The only main difference is the offers are a bit harder to complete. You will see more .20 to .40 range offers, meaning it will take more effort to fulfill the 1 credit requirement. However, it is certainly not that hard to do. I actually did 2 offers (BrainBuys Network and Free WW2 knife) for .50 each, and completed the 1 credit requirement in 1 day. 
Remember, if you login today and don’t see any offers you like, try again tomorrow early in the morning. The offers tend to change from day to day, so keep checking each day until you find something that catches your eye. There is no time limit to do this, you can take your time and login whenever you want using the email and password you used when you registered an account. 
The good thing is once you complete the 1 credit requirement on both Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies, you will become an Independent Referral Agent for life and can refer as many people as you want to these websites, and at the same time, make some nice extra money from home every month.

Chapter 6: Marketing your My Cash Freebies Referral Links
Well that’s it. You know now everything you need to know about how to complete your offer requirements on both Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies. But you still have one more thing to do. Now that you fulfilled the 1 credit requirements and are now an Independent Referral Agent for life with both Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies, you need to market your My Cash Freebies Referral Links online.
The only way you’re going to make money with My Cash Freebies is by promoting your links. Remember, you have 2 Referral Links. The first one is the Express My Cash Freebies Referral link. The second one is the Double My Cash Freebies Referral link. However, it’s advisable that you first market the Express My Cash Freebies Referral link. Once a person signs up under your Express Referral ID and fulfills the credit requirements on Express, you make a $20 commission.
Now if they already signed up with you with your Express Referral ID, then there is a good chance they will sign up with you on your Double Referral ID also. If they do that and fulfill the credit requirements on Double, you make a $30 commission. My Cash Freebies will pay you a nice $50 commission total, since you made $20 from Express and $30 from Double. This is how you can make some easy money with My Cash Freebies.
Now sure, $50 is not a lot of money. But if you can get 2 to 10 people to do this every month you will be adding an extra $100 to $500 a month in your spare time from home. Not only can this become a nice income stream for you, you will also gain Internet Marketing experience that you can apply to other online income streams you may have.
Your first step is to write down your Express and Double Referral ID’s. These 2 Referral ID’s are the key for you to make money with My Cash Freebies. You can post your Referral links on your Facebook page, on your YouTube channel, on your Pinterest profile, on your Twitter page, etc. etc. etc. The more people who see your links, the more opportunities you will have to make money with My Cash Freebies.
Make sure to write down your Referral ID links
Finding your Referral ID’s on Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies is easy. Simply login to each account and look for your “Referral Link.” The last 5 numbers on your Referral Link is your Referral ID number. For example, my own personal Referral Link for Express My Cash Freebies is:, and as you can see, the last 5 numbers is my Referral ID number: 75159.
Likewise, my personal Referral Link for Double My Cash Freebies is;, and as you can see, the number is different, which is 78409. Both of these Referral ID numbers are extremely important if you want to get paid by the Fortune 500 companies. You need to promote your own personal Referral Links to the whole world!
Remember, signing up for My Cash Freebies is one thing, getting traffic to your Referral Links is a whole different challenge. You will need to get the word out. The more people you get to your pages, the more people sign up and the more money you will make. The good news is that learning Internet Marketing is not that hard. There is plenty of free information online on how to learn how to increase traffic to your Referral Links. You can start by promoting your links on your Social Media accounts and start making money.
However, I suggest that you continue to learn Internet Marketing not only so you can make some extra money with My Cash Freebies, but also so you can increase your income on your other online income streams. The more successful online businesses you have, the more money you will make, and perhaps you can quit your job and become your own boss!

Chapter 7: Now you’re ready to make some extra money from home
That’s It you’re ready to make some extra money
All you have to do is complete the 3 steps and you are ready to make money:
1.     Complete Express My Cash Freebies
2.     Complete Double My Cash Freebies
3.     Market your Express and Double Referral Links
You should complete these 3 steps in order, since you will need your Express My Cash Freebies Referral ID and Double My Cash Freebies Referral ID in order to make money with My Cash Freebies. Once you complete the first 2 steps, you can begin marketing your referral links online (and offline) and start making money.
However, as I said in the beginning of this eBook, people will not come knocking to your door, neither will they flock to your Referral links. You will need to market your Referral links and also promote your My Cash Freebies business. However, for more information on how to grow your Internet Marketing knowledge read my “Internet Marketing Strategies for My Cash Freebies” eBook. If you complete Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies under my Referral ID’s I will personally email you this eBook for free, along with your $10 free cash back.
Freedom from home
The whole reason why I wrote this eBook is to help people accomplish their dreams of working from home and achieving the freedom of being their own bosses. I know how it feels to have to work for someone else, and being under appreciated. I also know that in this economy it’s not easy to make ends meet for many people. This is why I why I wrote this eBook. My Cash Freebies is a good way for people to make some extra money in their spare time and also perhaps create a stream of income which hopefully can become one of many.
However, even if you don’t get rich off of this, making some extra money per month in your spare time certainly won’t hurt right? If I can make an extra $100 to $500 per month for as long as I want, doing easy work in my spare time, with just a one-time investment of 10 bucks, I certainly think it’s worth it.

Chapter 8: Why Should I Join My Cash Freebies?
Why should I join My Cash Freebies?
Before I let you go, I would like to answer a common question I get online almost every day. Why join My Cash Freebies? Why not join Zip Nada Zilch (ZNZ One and ZNZ Big Cash), Instant Rewards, or many of the other scores of Freebie Trading systems?
Well, the reason why I think My Cash Freebies is a good choice, and one of the best in my opinion, is because of the following reasons:
1.     My Cash Freebies is very popular yet not as saturated as other Freebie systems. For example, Zip Nada Zilch is more popular, however, it is also much more saturated. There are people making money with ZNZ, but the market is much more competitive, meaning you will compete with many more Internet Marketers with ZNZ than you would with My Cash Freebies.
2.    Easier credit requirements: My Cash Freebies has offers that are easier to fulfill. Many people have trouble meeting other Freebie Trading systems credit requirements, and therefore there are lost commissions. However, My Cash Freebies offers are known for being easier to complete. Other Freebie Trading systems have many .15 offers. This is harder to complete, and many people get frustrated and simply give up (and you lose your commission). Most offers on My Cash Freebies are in the .30 to .50 range.
3.      Pays daily: My Cash Freebies pays daily. If you setup your PayPal account with My Cash Freebies, you will get paid immediately after you order your cash prize. You don’t have to wait 2 weeks to get paid. Get your money in your PayPal account immediately. You can also do direct deposit or get a check mailed out to you every week.
  Note: If you decide to get paid by check (mail) you will have to wait for mail delivery.
These are the main reasons why I believe My Cash Freebies is one of the top Freebie Trading Systems on the Internet. From my personal experience, I had no problems filling out the offers and spent only $10 completing them. However, I’ve seen quite a few complaints online from unhappy people who had to fill too many offers (and spend more money) on other Freebie Trading Systems.
However, in the future, you can also try Zip Nada Zilch, Instant Rewards, and any other Freebie Trading system out there. Most of these systems are very similar to My Cash Freebies. However, from my own experience, I prefer My Cash Freebies for the reasons stated above. The good news is once you fulfill the offers on My Cash Freebies, you will see that filling out offers on any other Freebie Trading Systems are very similar. And you can always try out other systems.
What about the other programs on My Cash Freebies?
Keep in mind that My Cash Freebies has other programs besides Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies. However, Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies are the most popular since they are easier to complete than the others.
Other benefits
Other good reasons to join My Cash Freebies is this company has a good reputation. If you Google “My Cash Freebies” you will find mostly positive reviews, with few complaints in comparison to other Freebie Trading Systems. My Cash Freebies has a good reputation and for this reason, coupled with the fact that it’s not as saturated as other Freebie Systems it’s a good opportunity for anyone who wants to make some extra money or make who wants to work from home and needs an extra stream of income.
If you want to learn of other streams of income that you can make from home, feel free to visit my link where I talk about 21 ways to make money from home:


Congratulations, you now know everything you need to know to join the My Cash Freebies System and start making some extra money online in your spare time. I also recommend you go to the following website:, login to your account, and click on the page links: “How it works,” “About Us,” “Crediting Guide,” and familiarize yourself the My Cash Freebies System.

The more you learn about this system, the more knowledge you will have and the more successful you will be. You can also go to YouTube and search for tutorials on the My Cash Freebies system. Hey the more knowledge you gain the better. The system is really easy to learn, and it should not take you more than a few weeks to master it.

Now remember, I offer you email and phone support if you run into any problems completing the offers. I will also give you $10 cash back if you complete the offers under my Referral ID’s. All you have to do is make sure you follow my instructions in previous chapters for registering an account with Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies. If you do this correctly and if you complete the credit requirements for both, I will give you the $10 back from the $50 commission I earn. Remember, the only requirement you need to start making money with the My Cash Freebies System is to complete the 1 credit requirements.

If you don’t do this, you’ll never be able to make any money from this system. You will have to sign up and register first, and remember I will also give you a free Internet Marketing eBook to help you get up and running with the My Cash Freebies System. Besides that, I’ll also throw in 10 bucks to help you cover any expenses you incur when fulfilling the offers, and also give you 2 other free eBooks related to Internet Marketing and making money from home.

But that's not all I will also offer my full support via email and phone if you run into any issues during the offers. If you follow the instructions in this book, you should not run into any problems. But even if you do, feel free to send me an email or give me a call and I will help you out.

You can start here at My Cash Freebies links:
Express My Cash Freebies:

Double My Cash Freebies:

And if you need to contact me for support feel free to contact me:

Phone: Alex 908 422 9620

My YouTube page:
Thanks for reading my eBook and I hope this was helpful in helping you understand how the My Cash Freebies System works, and remember, if you decide to join under my Referral ID’s you will be able to read my other free eBooks:

Free eBook #1:
Internet Marketing Strategies for My Cash Freebies
Some of the information you will learn in this eBook are:
1.     Learn how to create a blog fast and easy without any technical computer knowledge---and for free!
2.     Learn how to use social media to market your My Cash Freebies Business---for free!
3.     Learn how to create videos on YouTube---for free!
4.     Learn how to post ads on Craigslist---for free!
5.     Traditional Marketing strategies
6.     Learn how to promote you’re My Cash Freebies Business on a shoestring budget!
7.     All this and much, much more…
The eBook is completely free for those who join Express My Cash Freebies and Double My Cash Freebies under my Referral ID and completes the credit requirements.
Note: If you join and complete the offers under my Referral ID’s, please send me an email and let me know you joined under my Referral ID. You can email me here: Once I confirm you joined under my Referral ID I will email you a copy of my Internet Marketing eBook. Once I receive my commission I will also send you a money order (or PayPal payment) for $10. However, I receive my commission checks by mail, and this process usually takes around 1 week. However, I will try to send you your $10 bonus as soon as possible. Your patience is greatly appreciated. You can also contact me via phone or email if you have any questions.

Free eBook #2:
The Beginner’s Guide to Making Money on Fiverr: The Secrets to Success
Some of the information you will learn in this eBook are:
1.     Learn how to make money on, the most popular marketplace in the world.
2.     Learn how to create a Gig that can make you money
3.     Learn how to turn your passion into a money making Gig on Fiverr
4.     Learn how to market your Gigs and get traffic
5.     Learn which services sell the most on Fiverr

Free eBook #3:
The Beginner's Guide to SEO & Internet Marketing: How to Make a Living Online
Some of the information you will learn in this eBook are:
1.     Learn how to use SEO to increase traffic to your websites
2.     Learn the best ways to make money from home
3.     Learn creative ways to make money from home
4.     Learn why multiple streams of income is the key to success
5.     How to use Social Media to grow your online businesses
Remember, in order to get these free eBooks, the $10 cash back and free email/phone support, you will need to sign up under my Express Referral ID and Double Referral ID. If you do this, you will get a free Internet Marketing eBook made precisely for the My Cash Freebies System, free email/phone support, 2 other free eBooks and $10 on top of that. Join my team, complete the credit requirements and I’ll personally email you my other eBooks and send you your $10 bonus.
I already gave you this eBook for free, and I will happily give you my 3 other eBooks for free also. All this for free, just for signing up under my Referral ID’s. The way I see it, it’s a win-win situation. You win a free useful informational guides for your own personal My Cash Freebies business, support, some cash to help cover any incurred expenses on your part, and I make my commission.
But I don’t mind giving $10 of my commission to you, a free eBook, and unconditional email/phone support, as long as you thank me by joining under my Referral ID’s. However, the choice is yours. If you do choose to join under my Referral ID’s, be assured that you will receive all the bonuses mentioned in this eBook, all for free. If you decide otherwise, I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
So what are you waiting for?
Join My Cash Freebies today!
Get started now=>
Express My Cash Freebies:
Double My Cash Freebies:
Thanks for reading my eBook and good luck in your future endeavors…
Until next time,
Alex Garcia